Prayer Requests for International Day of Prayer 2024

CountryWhat is God doing right now?Major OppositionNumber One Prayer Need
PakistanGod is on the move, raising up many people to evangelise and disciple an increasing number of people The political scene, which is very opposed to Christianity. Also a lack of resources to do great things for God Persecution of Christians, leading to some falling away from the faith. Pray for people to be 100% for Jesus. 
IndiaBelievers are standing strong together in the face of great opposition. God is using young people to worship Him through a new wave of Christian bands and musicians producing Gospel music Opposition is growing, with a growing number of churches being shut down and believers are being arrested and falsely prosecuted. The Hindu government is very anti Christian. The ruling party in Government, now they have been reelected is pursuing the passing of anti Christian laws, making life more and more difficult for believers. Pray for protection and boldness. 
ThailandThailand is a centre for tourism and seen as the heart of Asia, so there are great opportunities to share the Gospel. There is division among churches and believers. There are cultural and spiritual barriers and particularly a spirit of disruption That the King and his wife would become Christians; for unity among Christian and Churches; for the spirit of disruption to be rebuked. 
ZimbabweEven in the midst of the suffering that comes from a huge drought and high inflation and unemployment, there is a mighty wind of restoration coming. Poverty (95% unemployment); a disastrous drought and high inflation. Pray for the severe drought to end and for hyper inflation to fall. Pray for the children who are especially suffering because of these things 
MalawiMany people are coming to faith in Jesus, the Church is growing and God has brought the rains just in time for the crops to be harvested to help feed parts of the country experiencing drought. Due to the economic vulnerability of Malawi, the country is being infiltrated by other religions offering food for conversions. Mosques are being build with funding from rich Arab countries and people are bing offered food if they will convert to Islam. Pray that Malawian Christians stay strong in the face of these temptations, and that the Lord would provide all that is needed and that the Christian faith would continue growing. 
The PhilippinesThere is a real excitement for and commitment to mission work, with churches growing and extending missions to reach the lost. Materialism and the rise of social media with distracts from being focussed on Jesus. Unity of purpose and a common desire to be united in prayer and to fulfil the Great Commission. 
Macau (China)God is focusing believers more and more on spreading the gospel to the locals. Macau is the gambling centre of Asia and the spirit of greed and materialism is all around There is a real sense of depression and even suicidal tendencies among many locals, due in large part to a spiritual dryness. Pray for the life-saving message of the Gospel to reach more and more people. 
Panama (Central America)Panama is the connecting point for both North and South America countries. The country is filled with immigrants from all over the world. There is, therefore, such fat opportunity for evangelism. The churches in Panama are largely passive, not willing to evangelise outside of their premises. The Catholic Church (strong in this country) opposes the idea of evangelism work among nominal Catholics A revival amount the churches, and among the east-reached communities. There is disunity among the churches that was made worse by the recent presidential election in the country. 
United KingdomFor many years belief in God has been falling in the UK. However, there is a new movement towards Him, especially among young adults, s new searching for spiritual reality particularly through online services. The UK is a very secular country, together with a rising Muslim population. Christians feel marginalised and overlooked, with an increasing number of new laws making preaching the Gospel freely and honestly an increasingly difficult thing to do. For unity, for passionate prayer and for a rebirth of confidence to now what we believe and to have the courage to stand for those beliefs, sharing the Good News confidently with others. 
SpainThere is a movement away from the established Roman Catholic Church towards Spanish evangelical churches. These are currently small in. Number and size, but growing. Although declining in influence, particularly over young people, the Catholic Church still proves to be a major influence, and there is a sense of ‘lostness’ among the youth. Praise God that there are some genuine believers in the Catholic Church and that local pastors are beginning to have fellowship and pray together. Please pray about the domestic violence against women, which came to forefront during Covid, as the incidences of violence during the lockdowns increased significantly.