About our Family

Our mission is to support, equip and connect believers around the world to reach lost people and see them transformed into fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

Vision & Values

In 1996, a pastor in Southern Malawi obtained a copy of James Burn’s first book – ‘Fishing for the King’ – and contacted Kingfisher church to ask for a visit to a small group of churches in the Blantyre area. Responding to that request, a relationship was born that, over the years that followed, blossomed into what is now Kingfisher International Family, a community that is active in 10 countries around the world.

The vision of Kingfisher Family is to support, equip and connect believers around the world, to increase their capacity to reach lost people and see them transformed into fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. There are discipleship and leadership training materials, local, national and regional conferences, educational programs for children, international days of prayer.

Our vision is to see the local church equipped and empowered to reach the local community and beyond in effective and God-honouring ways. Rather than seeing the UK as the epicentre for growth and resources, Kingfisher International family’s vision is for local churches around the world to grow in a passion for mutual encouragement and support. We truly seek to be a community of disciples of Christ, impacting, challenging and inspiring society around us. As such, each country or region will have a National Director overseeing and developing with work of the International Family in that area.


We’re always up for trying new and creative ways of reaching people that need to hear about Jesus. We’re not afraid to give something a go even if it fails! However, there are certain things that we will never budge on and are core to how we act as a church family and what we believe! 


We seek to put God first in everything we do


Our ultimate authority is The Bible


Lost people matter to God and so they matter to us, and we seek to reach them in culturally sensitive ways


We seek to grow Biblical Community, based on loving kindness, honesty, integrity in relationships and a commitment to conflict resolution


Full devotion to Jesus Christ is our aim for the Christian life, through personal spiritual growth and through being equipped and released to further the kingdom and reach one’s full potential for Christ


We shall never arrive – we shall continue to expand and grow until the whole world is pursuing full devotion to Jesus Christ

Our Team & Leadership