Uniting thousands of Christians around the world to pray on one day, for Church, community, nation, and our world.


Launched in 2014, the International Day of Prayer is an annual event that has grown in strategic importance, as thousands of believers from currently ten different countries focus together around the world on prayer for each other, for local churches, for countries in the International Family and for this world.

The Bible says that “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective” (James 5:16), and that “…If two of you agree here on earth concerning anything you ask, my Father in heaven will do it for you” (Matthew 18:19). Out of these truths came the conviction that the whole International Family should be joining together in prayer

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Although it is not possible for everyone to physically meet together, yet we can still pray together in the Spirit and expect to see significant answers to prayer, and so with that conviction the International Day of Prayer was launched. As the vision for and excitement surrounding the IDOP has grown year on year, so we are seeing breakthroughs on an increasing scale. People are committing their lives to Christ. Fresh freedom and boldness are being experienced. Prophetic words are being shared.

You and your church can take part in IDOP – just visit our Facebook page and get involved there.

Below is some of the feedback from this year’s IDOP so far!