Reaching the Lost Around the World

Around the world today, hundreds of thousands are coming to faith in Jesus Christ, and Kingfisher Family is privileged to be part of this huge in-gathering of new believers.  In India, we continue to hear reported from Pastor Mange Ram in Haridwar, Pastor Shakuntala in Punjab, and many others of hundreds giving their lives to the Lord on a weekly basis.

In Zimbabwe, Pastors Joseph and Aggie Maravanyika spent the first 10 days of this year in prayer and fasting specifically for the whole of Kingfisher Family, and have seen a harvest of souls as a result. They are holding a baptism service for new converts and are looking forward to holding revival meetings late this year, plus an Easter Conference and many other events. 

In 2024 we believe that the Lord is calling us all to a fresh focus on the Gospel. Jesus came into this world to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom – the Good News that the King is among us, offering us the only way back into relationship with our Father in Heaven. At the Great Commission, Jesus sent His disciples out to ‘preach the Gospel to all creation’ (Mark 16:15). As the Gospel of the Kingdom is preached around the world we hear so many reports of lives submitted to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

In the Philippines, Glorious Christ Church now sends out multiple evangelistic teams to college campuses to work amongst students. In Panama, Pastor Shibu works amongst Indian expats and local Panamanians, seeing more and more becoming open to the Gospel.

And in the UK, despite years of gloomy news about people leaving church and young people turning their backs on the traditional of previous generations, we see many who are now searching for answers that only God can provide. Many who are trapped in drugs, mental health crises and hopelessness are desperately searching for hope and peace, and so there are hopeful signs for the Gospel in the UK.

We are living in a world torn apart by war, by hatred and division. There is such anger and suspicion. This is the perfect time to reach out with the Gospel of the Kingdom to proclaim that Jesus Christ has brought the gift of peace to this world. Let us make 2024 the year when we proclaim and demonstrate the Gospel in clear and creative ways, bringing hope to a fractured, lost and divided world.